Keep the Republic

Keep the Republic with guest Sue Gaston: Conservative Action Items for Idaho

Dr. Daniel Bobinski

January of 2024 means a new legislative session starts in Idaho. Those working to protect, preserve, and defend the Constitution are up against well-funded opposition. What’s said is that many in the opposition don’t even know they’re working against the foundational principles that made this country great.  But some do know. Some are so self-centered and selfish that they would willingly dismantle our form of government so they can acquire short-term power and gain. 

On today’s show, Sue Gaston, 2nd vice chair of the Ada County Republican Central Committee in Idaho and a leader in Idaho’s Conservatives Of, joins Daniel to discuss upcoming activities to support Constitutional government in Idaho.  
 Events discussed include (NOTE: Some are ongoing weekly events): 
 Saturday, January 6

9a – 5p  State GOP Winter Meeting

  • The Idaho GOP is having its Winter Meeting from 9a - 5p at Harvest Church, 831 N Main Street in Meridian
  •  No charge to attend. All are welcome to attend and observe

7:30p – 10:30p – GOP Winter Gala

  • The Winter Gala is a fundraising party for the state GOP
  • Ambrose School, 6100 N Locust Grove in Meridian 
  • Tickets can be purchased at  
  • Live entertainment from Frim Fram Four

Monday, January 8

9a           2024 Legislative Session Begins 

  • Opening prayer for the House and the Senate at 9:00 am 
  •  Idaho Statehouse, 700 W Jefferson in Boise 
  • 'Legislative Launch' in the Lincoln Auditorium at 10:00 am
  •  This is an overview of the 2024 session with State GOP Chair  Dorothy Moon
  • Governor’s State of the State Address is scheduled for 1:00 pm

6:30p    Monthly “Conservatives of Idaho” Meeting

  • Meeting is 6:30p at Harvest Church, 831 N Main Street in Meridian 

Tuesday, Jan 9  

6:30p    Lincoln Ecclesia  (“Church at the Capitol”)

  • Each Tuesday evening during the legislative session – The Lincoln Ecclesia
  •  A time of devotions, worship, and prayer in the Lincoln Auditorium
  •  State Capitol Building / 700 W Jefferson Street in Boise
  •  For more info, contact 

Thursday, Jan 11

10:30a Praying for the Legislature

  • Each Thursday morning during the legislative session
  • Third floor of the Idaho Statehouse at the rotunda 
  • 700 W Jefferson Street in Boise  

Noon     Capitol Clarity

  • Each Thursday at noon in the Lincoln Auditorium in the Idaho Statehouse, 700 W Jefferson in Boise
  •  An hour-long presentation covering current and upcoming legislation plus issues facing Idaho

Tuesday, Jan 16

5:30p    Biblical Citizen Classes

  •  Each Tuesday evening at 5:30p starting Jan 16 
  •  Conducted by Patriot Academy in the Lincoln Auditorium in the  Idaho State Capitol at 700 W Jefferson Street in Boise 
  •  Resister at