Keep the Republic

Idaho's Freedom Caucus Network: Demanding Transparency in State Government - with Director Maria Nate

Dr. Daniel Bobinski

Join Dr. Daniel Bobinski and Idaho Freedom Caucus Director Maria Nate as they delve into the troubling issue of Senator Chuck Winder using bully tactics against members of the Freedom Caucus.

Having been an executive coach for 34 years, Bobinski underscores the poor leadership of Senator Winder in choosing demeaning and threatening letters and knee-jerk, heavy-handed punishments instead of having face-to-face conversations to address his concerns. But, as Director Nate points out, Winder's real concerns are those that align with the wishes of the Idaho Association of Commmerce and Industry (IACI).

On multiple levels, the influences of special interest groups, such as IACI, are leading to a top-down authoritarian approach to governance. Both Nate and Bobinski call for Winder to issue public apologies to Senators Scott Herndon, Glenneda Zuiderveld, and Brian Lenney - and especially to Senator Herndon, for making what amounts to false and defamatory statements about him.

Nate and Bobinski also discuss heavy-handed legislation and dirty backroom deals that have plagued Idaho, as well as the importance of Constitutional Conservatives to continue calling out such corruption.

Citizens wishing to aid the Freedom Caucus Network can connect with the organization at

Bobinski and Nate close the show by highlighting the fact that those who advocate for top-down authoritarianism don't announce that from the rooftops, because they know one must at least sound conservative to get elected in this state.  Therefore, citizens should look beyond the names of organizations such as Idaho Liberty PAC, which, in practice, advocates for policies and programs that diminish true liberty. People should not trust the names - but should look at what these organizations actually support.