Keep the Republic

Special Guest Sue Gaston: Is God Doing a Work?

Dr. Daniel Bobinski

Could it be that the prayers of Christians in America are being answered? In chapter 7, verse 14 in the 2nd Book of Chronicles, God says if the land is need of restoration, God’s people need to do four things, and in return, God will do three things. Specifically, God says: 

If my people, who are called by my name,

  • Will humble themselves
  • And pray
  • And seek My face
  • And turn from their wicked ways

And what three things will God do in return? 

  • Then I will hear from heaven
  • And I will forgive their sin
  • And will heal their land. 

Sue Gaston is Daniel’s guest on today’s show, and they first discuss the selection of Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson (R) to be the new Speaker of the House. Johnson is an evangelical Christian and makes no effort to hide his faith. Interestingly, the Republicans voted for him unanimously. Could God be moving here? 

Sue Gaston is also the Ada County director for ConservativesOf, a conservative Christian political action committee, and her stance is quite clear that Christians are supposed to be involved in politics. Sue regularly prays at the Idaho statehouse and at other institutions in Idaho’s Treasure Valley. And, she is one of six conservative Christians to be elected to serve at leaders in the Ada County Republican Central Committee, replacing six people who recently resigned. 

Sue says when she first started praying at the Capitol, the Lord led her to Acts 3:19, which says, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” 

As Daniel observed, it’s like a New Testament version of 2 Chronicles 7:14. 
Many groups have been praying in Idaho, and especially Ada County.  Between what happened on the national state and what happened in Ada County, is God doing a work?  Daniel and Sue discuss.