Keep the Republic

Fighting Against Political Weaponization of Labels and Government – Mark Herr & Zoe Warren

Dr. Daniel Bobinski

In 2 Corinthians 3:17 we are told that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. If that’s true, then the opposite is also true – Where the spirit of the lord is not, then you don’t have liberty. 

When God is absent from our lives – and from our government – then we don’t’ have liberty; we have tyranny. So if want to keep our liberty in this country – then we need to have the Spirit of the Lord active in this country .. and that includes in the halls of our governments. 

We cannot stand by idly and let those who deny God – or those who claim the label of Christian but lie and mislead and misrepresent – we can’t let them institute tyranny. 

On the outside (nigh impossible) chance that you’ve not noticed, people who deny God and His will  have weaponized the government against people. This needs to be called out. 

Guests on today’s Keep the Republic: 

· Mark Herr, CEO of the Center for Self-Governance

· Zoe Warren --- Coordinator for the Center for Self-Governance teams on the political weaponization of labels and the political weaponization of government

Their website:

Page on the Political Weaponization of Labels
Page on the Political Weaponization of Government


Subscribe to Daniel’s Substack:

Watch the entire interview with Mark Herr and Zoe Warren at 


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