Keep the Republic

Joe Biden – Just Another Corrupt American Oligarch

August 08, 2023 Dr. Daniel Bobinski
Joe Biden – Just Another Corrupt American Oligarch
Keep the Republic
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Keep the Republic
Joe Biden – Just Another Corrupt American Oligarch
Aug 08, 2023
Dr. Daniel Bobinski

If you know the definition of a Republic, it’s not hard to see that the United States of America is no longer operating as one.  Yes, we still have remnants of a Republic operating at local levels in some of our states, but the nation as a whole? It’s a literal shadow of its former self. By that I mean we have a oligarchical government that projects the image of a Republic in the form of a shadow-box puppet show. 

What is an oligarchy? Go to Webster’s dictionary. Go to the Cambridge dictionary. Go to the Oxford dictionary. An oligarchy is a country ruled or controlled by a small group of powerful people, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. Other attributes of an oligarchy will be exposed in coming chapters, but for now let’s take a 40,000-foot view of some of the obvious corruption and selfishness. 

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If you know the definition of a Republic, it’s not hard to see that the United States of America is no longer operating as one.  Yes, we still have remnants of a Republic operating at local levels in some of our states, but the nation as a whole? It’s a literal shadow of its former self. By that I mean we have a oligarchical government that projects the image of a Republic in the form of a shadow-box puppet show. 

What is an oligarchy? Go to Webster’s dictionary. Go to the Cambridge dictionary. Go to the Oxford dictionary. An oligarchy is a country ruled or controlled by a small group of powerful people, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes. Other attributes of an oligarchy will be exposed in coming chapters, but for now let’s take a 40,000-foot view of some of the obvious corruption and selfishness.