Daniel opens the show talking about the dangers of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and why it’s improper for companies or governments to force us to follow the practices of DEI. Not that everything promoted in DEI is bad, but God does not tell governments or corporations to mandate these things. He tells individuals to be accountable to GOD when doing those things. Daniel explains the differences in the opening section of the show.
From there, Daniel and Tom Munds, Area Director for the John Birch Society, discuss topics in the news in a “Rapid Fire Reality” segment. Topics include:
- “Forcing behaviors” – a push from Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock to mandate DEI & ESG
- Excessive deaths since the introduction of the mRNA injections
Keep the Republic is hosted by Dr. Daniel Bobinski, an outspoken Christian, an international bestselling author, and a U.S. veteran. He believes in the importance of maintaining Judeo-Christian values in this world and he discusses those principles in his interviews with like-minded individuals on his Keep the Republic TV and radio shows.
Subscribe for free at http://www.KeepTheRepublic.us to track Daniel’s shows and columns.
Also, subscribe for free at http://www.Newsforia.com to track After Hours with Bobinski and Keyes, an insightful, low-key look at today’s issues, which Daniel co-hosts weekly with Ambassador Alan Keyes.
Daniel opens the show talking about the dangers of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and why it’s improper for companies or governments to force us to follow the practices of DEI. Not that everything promoted in DEI is bad, but God does not tell governments or corporations to mandate these things. He tells individuals to be accountable to GOD when doing those things. Daniel explains the differences in the opening section of the show.
From there, Daniel and Tom Munds, Area Director for the John Birch Society, discuss topics in the news in a “Rapid Fire Reality” segment. Topics include:
- “Forcing behaviors” – a push from Larry Fink, CEO of Blackrock to mandate DEI & ESG
- Excessive deaths since the introduction of the mRNA injections
Keep the Republic is hosted by Dr. Daniel Bobinski, an outspoken Christian, an international bestselling author, and a U.S. veteran. He believes in the importance of maintaining Judeo-Christian values in this world and he discusses those principles in his interviews with like-minded individuals on his Keep the Republic TV and radio shows.
Subscribe for free at http://www.KeepTheRepublic.us to track Daniel’s shows and columns.
Also, subscribe for free at http://www.Newsforia.com to track After Hours with Bobinski and Keyes, an insightful, low-key look at today’s issues, which Daniel co-hosts weekly with Ambassador Alan Keyes.